
Hearts On Venezuela

Venezuela Solidarity Campaign


#Featured #Reports

Prodavinci: The Dark Hours

Of the 30 million Venezuelans, more than 18 million live in neighborhood blocks with planned rationed electricity. The plan establishes 3 hour cuts but network users report up to 10 running days without light. Venezuela experienced three massive blackouts in […]

#Analysis #Featured

Jon Lee Anderson

The name of Jon Lee Anderson has been linked to Latin America for at least three decades.  He is a renowned American journalist who has written several books dedicated to topics such as guerrilla groups, leftist icons and post-9/11 wars. […]

#Featured #News

Lara Under Attack

The news, or better yet reports about what happens in Venezuela is so fast paced that it can be believed or think that it’s fortuitous, that behind the news and the stupor that it causes, there is something new we […]


CODEPINK is NOT Feminism

As a result of CODEPINK’s protection of Maduro government representatives’ occupation of the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, a group which sympathizes with Chavismo, comments on social media insisted on associating this movement by women with feminism. The comments rained in […]