The events surrounding the scheduled election of the President of the National Assembly in Venezuela on Sunday were marked by serious irregularities and acts against the democratic and constitutional functioning of the National Assembly. Its President, Juan Guaidó, was prevented to hold the session, several opposition lawmakers were not allowed to enter the National Assembly and the access of the press to the building was also blocked. 

It is not acceptable that the National Assembly as the democratic legitimate body of Venezuela has not been able to carry out the mandate it has received from the Venezuelan people.

These irregularities are not compatible with a legitimate election process for the President of the National Assembly. They constitute a new step in the deterioration of the Venezuelan crisis. As a consequence, the EU continues to recognise Juan Guaidó as the legitimate President of the National Assembly until the conditions for a proper voting session can be assured.

Respecting democratic institutions and principles and upholding the rule of law are essential conditions to find a peaceful and sustainable solution to the crisis in Venezuela for the benefit of its people.

The EU stands ready to support a genuine process towards a peaceful and democratic resolution of the crisis, based on credible and transparent elections. The EU reaffirms its commitment to actively contribute to this objective.