Once again, armed pararamiltitary groups affiliated with the current dictatorial regime attack peaceful protesters. In this occasion, a march of militants and participants that carried out a political activity in the neighborhood of La Paz, west of the city of Barquisimeto were victims of a strong and massive aggression. With the use of firearms and blunt objects, hundreds of people that marched unarmed in the streets of this community, were brutally assaulted by 30-40 people that moved in vehicles and motorcycles, which not only shot firearms and punched individuals, but also stole phones and other belongings of the group of protesters. According to some testimonies, over 100 people were hurt and mugged and at least 6 people suffered severe injuries, one with firearms. In addition, the vehicles of the opposition protests were severely destroyed.

This new aggression is one of the most violents yet by armed paramilitary groups affiliated with the regime against opposition protesters. It was an evidently planned action with presence, proved by multiple graphic evidence- of directors of public organizations councilmen and members of social organizations vinculated to those entities, were there was an ambush to protesters, upon which was present the national opposition leader Juan Guaido, who suffered a high risk of experiencing injuries to his physical integrity. There is graphical proof of aggressors shooting towards his direction. Likewise, it is important to highlight the persecution suffered by journalists, some of which had to find refuge in homes of the community because of the threats they received. According to testimonies of protesters, the aggressors had folders with pictures that signaled which journalists to hurt.

It was notable the total absence of security forces of the state despite a highly advertised protests, which aided the impunity of the armed group of aggressors. However, protestors stated that some of the aggressors moved on motorcycles of the GNB and PNB and that officials of these organizations were present in vehicles with hidden license plates.

It is important to highlight the ample refuge that the neighbors of the community provided to protestors and journalists, which avoided more harassment. Because of this, aggressors tired to force their way into the homes, and threatened residents with firearms.

These aggressions constitute severe violations to protest rights, freedom of speech, physical integrity, life and information rights. Just like armed civilian groups massively hurt unarmed protestors on broad daylight on march 16 and 17 of 2019 in spaces of the central hospital of the city, in the framework of the visit of UN workers to that space, as well as on April 30th and May 1st in the massive protests that occurred those days. Once again, these armed bands attack, with total impunity, groups of the population, journalists with the gravity of an ambush in a popular sector that aimed to hurt the maximum Venezuelan opposition leader.

Because of this grave events, which are a flagrant demonstration against fundamental, civic and political rights, that have already acted with impunity in diverse occasions in our entity. The networks of organizations that defend and promote human rights in the state of Lara (REDHELARA) express

  • Our firm condemnation of these grave aggressions that attempt against our fundamental, civic and political rights, generate severe risks against the physical integrity of individuals and attack essential freedoms of the population,
  • We demand the opening of an investigation of the Superior Prosecution of Lara State and that a special prosecutor is designated so that they coordinate those investigations. There is abundant graphic evidence and testimonies as important proofs.
  • We will notify the office of the High Commision of the United Nations of these Human Rights violations so that they form part of the investigation that the Mission of Human Rights determination is currently in the country about these type of violations.
  • We exhort all social organization of the entities to speak up about this impunity of these paramilitary groups that, with the special forces that kill young people from popular communities extrajudicially, constitute the greatest threats to human rights in our population.

Translated by: Pedro Graterol