We mobilize from the diversity of feminisms by grouping different social and political organizations in the fight for a common cause, a right that we must achieve as a whole for the sake of family planning and wanted motherhood

September 28 marks the Global Day of Action for the Decriminalization of Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean, and several feminist organizations in Venezuela commemorated it with street actions, rallies, and marches to draw attention to the reality of unsafe and clandestine abortion that puts women’s lives and freedom at serious risk.

Voluntary abortion exists, even if it is illegal. Abortion is not an easy choice but rather a responsible decision that women can make in the face of unwanted pregnancies that threaten their life or for which they are in no position to cope, which is why it is part of the right to family planning.

Voluntary abortion is practiced as an option of last resort in the face of unwanted pregnancy, but its decriminalization must be accompanied by comprehensive sexual education and access to contraception within the framework of a comprehensive plan for guaranteeing women’s sexual and reproductive rights.

Photo: Las Comadres Púrpuras

The illegality of abortion, coupled with the general crisis that we are experiencing, means that it is often conducted in dangerous ways and with rudimentary methods or instruments, endangering the lives of those who decide to interrupt their pregnancy. Unsafe abortion is the third leading cause of maternal death and this precarious situation does not seem to be improving.

The criminalization of the voluntary interruption of pregnancy has led both the women who decide to abort and the activists who accompany them in this process into hiding as they try to guarantee dignified and safe conditions during the interruption, as well as an empathetic and committed attention to women’s health. That is why we say stop the detention of women who decide to abort and the activists who accompany them.

At the same time, illegality encourages speculation and fraud and we currently find ourselves in a situation where abortion is being controlled by mafias since having access to voluntary interruption means contacting clandestine groups that sell pills through dealers who have no information about the safety protocol and lack empathy for women, who find themselves vulnerable to scams. It also means contacting the mafia of private health centers where abortions are performed at exorbitant prices that very few women can afford.

Photo: Sergio González (@Kuamachi)

We must bear in mind that voluntary abortion is not murder or infanticide since no living person is being killed; instead, the interruption of the pregnancy is carried out within a prudent period (up to 12 weeks) in which the central nervous system of the embryo has not developed so there is no sensation of pain and the risk for women is minimal as long as they do it in safe conditions as recommended by the World Health Organization.

Photo: Sergio González (@Kuamachi)

In Venezuela, abortion is penalized in all circumstances except when the life of the pregnant woman is in danger (without a medical protocol for her care) or when it is carried out to safeguard the honor of the man responsible for the pregnancy, which leaves women in limbo and curtails their right to decide.

Photo: Sergio González (@Kuamachi)

That is why women of different ages and political leanings took to the streets of downtown Caracas in a colorful demonstration with drums, banners, and slogans and marched towards the National Assembly to demand the repeal of articles 431, 433, and 434 of the Penal Code, which are unconstitutional because they obstruct the right to decide on the number and spacing of the children, as provided for in article 76 of our constitution. At the same time, we demand the set up of an open assembly to legislate on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.

Photo: Sergio González (@Kuamachi)

Venezuelan NGO Las Comadres Púrpuras joined the mobilization and the conversation on social media under the hashtag #MujeresContraLasViolencias (Women against Violence), a space for political that coordinates protest and social action since 2020 and is currently integrated by Uquira, Asociación de Mujeres por el Bienestar y Asistencia Recíproca (Association of Women for the Well-being and the Reciprocal Assistance), Caleidoscopio Humano (Human Kaleidoscope), the Center for Reflection and Social Action (Cerlas), Hermanas Naturales (Natural Sisters), Labo Ciudadano, Equalia, Juntas y a la izquierda (Together and to the Left), Mujeres, Cuerpos y Territorios (Women, Bodies, and Territories), Mujeres Radio (Radio Women), Sobrepasadas, Mujeres en Lucha (Women in Struggle), Pan y Rosas (Bread and Roses), Men for Equity and Equality.


We note that the mobilization was permeated by a political diversity that spoke openly about opening a process of decriminalization and legalization of voluntary abortion. At the same time, all the feminist movements conveyed a message of diversity and democratic articulation for a common cause, taking a step forward in the social struggles of our country and managing to break with the politics of polarization and the partisan conflict of the political class. The people who watched the demonstration were surprised, open-mouthed, curious, and interested in knowing more and even joined in at the rhythm of the chants that were sung during the march.


This path does not end here. We know that this initiative is not enough, so we will continue to bring attention among public opinion about the debate on the right to the safe and voluntary interruption of pregnancy, seeking social decriminalization at all levels, demystifying abortion as a crime or sin, and showing it as it is, a sexual and reproductive right and a human right. We understand that it is not only about a legislative struggle, but also about involving the whole of society in the discussion of their rights, particularly of women’s sexual and reproductive rights. The best guarantee to achieve the legalization of voluntary abortion is the open and democratic convocation of women in the spaces of their communities and everyday life so that the right to decide is socially protected.

Photo: Jessika Paz

Women cannot continue to be protected by the State or by their husbands!

Stop the instrumentalization of our bodies!

Stop the criminalization of women who abort and those who accompany them!

Motherhood will be desired or it will not be.

Translated by José Rafael Medina