The numbers of infected people and deaths caused by COVID-19 are shocking. And the worst of allt is that they keep growing at a overwhelming pace. Facing this kind of matter, humanity must align itself around two fundamental keys: truth and solidarity.

It is hard to fight a pandemic without scientific accuracy. When governments try to take political advantage or strengthen their propaganda by strategically managing the situation, we run many more risks. Hiding information, adulterating it or manipulating it ends up being a boomerang against population itself. Coronavirus is real and it is killing people with unbelievable speed. In the midst of this, we observe the spread of endless conspiracy theories that end up misinforming and, in some cases, lowering the necessary guard that health systems and societies must have activated to overcome the pandemic. The Chinese government, the World Health Organization (WHO), some European governments and United States, Russia, Iran, France and many others have had either “gaps” or misuse of data that have added to the complications caused by the same pandemic. Hiding the truth in the face of events of this nature aggravates things. It is important to see ourselves in the mirror of Chernobyl to realize how serious it is to lie. It is preferable to tell the truth, as painful or complex it might be. This can save lives and soften the struggle.

The effect of solidarity

Solidarity is the other vital key to face the pandemic. To be supportive in a circumstance like this is to have a sense of humanity: taking care of ourselves and not risking our lives or the lives of others, complying with the quarantine and medical  recommendations with responsibility and collective conscience is part of that exercise. Also understanding that a pandemic is not defeated individually, but with a social and institutional articulation that guides all efforts in one direction to add intensity and efficiency. Solidarity networks to support people with greater vulnerability are vital to our demonstration of humanity and survival. Furthermore, everything that means raising and supporting the work of thousands of people from the health systems of the different States in the work they carry out is, without a doubt, the most appropriate formula to strengthen the first line of battle against the virus.

Without solidarity we could hardly claim victory as soon as we could. Civic responsibility being as the key for solidarity is vital for the survival of today’s civilization. Therefore, the equation “truth” plus “solidarity” must be promoted from all possible areas: the community, family, and institutional, religious and public spaces. Not one should be uncovered by it. It is the true plan that will allow us to recover to a new normality with new characteristics. More humanity and less selfishness against the pandemic. We will overcome this phenomenon together, this is not a 1 to 1 fight. Currently, we can see many solidarity examples around the world. It remains to be seen that the truth occupy, without hesitation, the agendas of public information to act accordingly with every network. Time is short.

Translated by: Sofía Spaziani