The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) accused Nicolás Maduro of “inciting hatred” against it through a discourse full of “cynicism” and “arrogance”, and warned of possible attacks against its leaders and members, and “even physical disappearances.”

Through a statement, the PCV responded to the recent attacks by Maduro, who in various speeches has attacked what he describes as the “outdated left,” which he accuses of trying to divide Chavismo.

In the opinion of the PCV, Maduro’s statements “are characterized by cynicism, inconsistent reiteration, disqualification and media advantage”, and his behavior “tends to become more aggressive and threatening.”

The road to fascism

The communists assure that Maduro’s attitude “closely resembles the order given by Rómulo Betancourt in the 1960s to persecute, isolate, segregate and assassinate the militants of the PCV, those of the MIR and the left wing of URD, under the slogan “shoot first and ask later”: it is an incitement to hatred, an act of open violation of constitutional rights, which must be rejected by all genuinely democratic, progressive, patriotic, anti-imperialist, popular and revolutionary forces at the national and international level because that path can lead to fascism. “

The PCV warned that Maduro’s speech “suggests political criminalization, which can turn into personal aggression and even the physical disappearance of communist organizations, the popular revolutionary movement, the political left and of all of us who diverge from the administration”.

A false positive

The Communist Party of Venezuela held Maduro responsible “for any physical or psychological aggression against any revolutionary militant.” And it warned that it would be “very serious if a ‘false positive’ was being forged against activists and revolutionary/critical groups”.

In its statement, the PCV urges Maduro “to correct that call to intolerance, hatred, persecution and disrespect for the exercise of political and democratic rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.”

Finally, the párty alerted the national and international left “about the advance of plans for persecution and anti-communist attacks that may be preparing against the PCV and its members through unfair fabrications.”

“The government cannot find a way to cover its turn to the right, so it displays all its arrogant fury against any force that exposes and confronts its servile economic policy,” it concluded.

Translated by José Rafael Medina