Informal merchants from San Félix assure that they cannot comply with the quarantine because the Government does not guarantee them anything for their livelihood.

Bolivar. “We can never be quarantined if the government does not guarantee anything,” said Virginia Ortega. She sells empanadas downtown San Félix, where the order of quarantine was only left in the words of Nicolás Maduro. Thus other street sellers keep their merchandise on the street.

We live from day to day. If we don’t work, we don’t have food for a quarantine. May be Maduro is going to send us some », added Juan Torres as he toured the center of San Félix with his chicha car.

Informal vendors also denounced that no government authority has come to make deliveries to them, not even of masks. These are sold for at least Bs. 50,000, an amount of money they do not have.

Throughout Ciudad Guayana, the quarantine was complied at 50% . Most citizens were in queues for gasoline. By the way, Governor Justo Noguera Pietri said that they will evaluate the restrictions that they will apply for fuel supply.

There cannot be people on the street queuing during a quarantine, ” he said. The same measure will be applied for public transport.

For its part, the health authority in Bolívar, Franklin Franchi, reported that until this March 17, 12 suspected cases of coronavirus had been ruled out in the entity and reiterated that so far there is no record of any contagion.