In the opinion of Sergio Sánchez, if the left wants to be powerful again it must show that it has learned from its mistakes, it must completely break ties with Madurismo and declare him an enemy of the people.

In the spaces of the UCV University Parish, a series of forums called “The Left in the Future of Venezuela” began today. Speakers included: Margarita López Maya, Anaís López, Humberto Decarli and Sergio Sánchez.

“The Sao Paulo Forum is the most recent demonstration that Maduro’s government has weakened tremendously.” Margarita López Maya made this compelling assertion during her participation in the forum “The Left in the Future of Venezuela”, organized by the Gumilla Center and the Venezuelan Program of Education-Action in Human Rights (Provea).

The university professor considers that currently the problem of Venezuela “is not an issue of right or left but of autocracy and democracy”, and that now more than ever we must strengthen democracy “that was extinguished in Venezuela and is in decline around the world”.

López believes it is necessary for Nicolás Maduro to leave power as soon as possible. “The left must face Maduro now”, and says to achieve this, “they must take action or accompany the fronts that have been forming to fight for democracy.”

The university professor believes that in Venezuela one must return to the rule of law to achieve the plural political sphere, so she believes that for the leftist parties to re-enter Venezuelan society, the first thing they must do is speak clearly, make amends and have a stronger voice that does not allow them to remain silent or feel ashamed.

Tolerant left

Sergio Sánchez, former student leader of the UCV and member of the Secretariado Nacional del Frente Amplio (National Secretariat of the Broad Front), said that in the past in Venezuela the left had a tendency for political control. “It was an elite that was erected over people to assume sovereignty in their name.”

For Sánchez, the left is lost and has been “tolerant of inefficiency, corruption, improvisation and now is tolerant even of forced disappearances, torture and the murder of political dissent.”

Similarly, Sanchez said that “if the left wants to be able again, it must show that it learned from mistakes and must show the country the way forward to democracy, but to achieve all this the first step is to take power from the gangsters and fascists. Here the left must stop dogmatism and cowardice and assume that at this moment the main contradiction is between life and death.”

Therefore, he believes that the left “must completely break away from madurismo and declare it an enemy of the people. We must unite all Venezuela against the dictatorship,” that is, in his opinion, the greatest challenge the left has in the country.

Tomorrow the cycle of forums continues in the spaces of the UCV University Parish beginning at 9AM. The speakers will be Pedro Trigo, Nelson Freites, Verónica Zubillaga and Robzayda Marcos.

Tal Cual-Provea alliance.