Voices of the Venezuelan civil society call on political actors to work on a solution that allows for the articulation of what is necessary to deal with the humanitarian emergency aggravated by the pandemic, beyond the management of the political conflict, taking into account that the progress of the Covid-19 and its consequences on the lives of Venezuelans demands immediate measures that rebuild the institutional capacities of the Venezuelan State in order to assist and protect the population.

The country faces the pandemic in the midst of a complex humanitarian emergency. Understanding this context and the structural weaknesses of Venezuela to face the health and human emergency that is coming to us, impels us to demand the political actors who today have responsibility to lead the State, as well as the National Assembly, and the different sectors to assume the historical responsibility of opening the paths that allow the adoption of urgent, effective and necessary measures to preserve the lives of the majority that is vulnerable to the serious impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and based on that we make the following recommendations:

  1. To frame all the actions that are carried out in the respect and guarantee of the human rights of the population, understanding that assistance alone is insufficient if it does not provide protection.
  2. To create a dialogue mechanism between the interdisciplinary teams already made up of both political actors and an Advisory Council of the Civil Society, made up of experts, appointed without ideological-political considerations, belonging to the following fields: health, nutrition, economy, community organization, to move forward together with multilateral organizations in the coordination of the national response to the COVID-19 with the help of all sectors of national life.
  3. To provide all available resources so that the necessary medical care is accessible to all sectors of the population, especially vulnerable low-income sectors, children and adolescents, women, the elderly, people with disabilities, indigenous communities in cities and remote areas and people in prisons and detention centers.
  4. Take all possible measures to protect workers in the health sector, including those who have all the supplies, equipment and conditions necessary to carry out their work in the current circumstances.
  1. To guarantee the issuance of safe-conduct letters and fuel supply to transporters of food, medicines and medical supplies in order to protect suppliers and also health personnel, humanitarian action actors and human rights advocates, mass media personnel and people with chronic health conditions who must attend hospital centers to receive treatment.
  2. To manage the cases of people who remain in terminals inside and outside the country without resources and possibilities of relocating.
  3. To coordinate the actions of the National Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies, as well as civil protection and firefighters, according to the recommendations issued by the teams of experts who face the pandemic and their adherence to international standards of respect for human rights. To prohibit the intervention of armed civilian groups in tasks belonging to public order.
  4. To guarantee unrestricted access to public information and allow the free exercise of the media, as well as to facilitate the means of protection for its staff, in order to guarantee the population’s right to information.
  1. To agree that the Ministry of People’s Power for Health be deemed as the spokesperson for the health authority that regularly reports on the challenges and progress of decisions and actions, by public and private means, in open and periodic addresses.
  2. To incorporate policies to guarantee public services and livelihoods for the entire population, with special focus on the most vulnerable sectors, such as informal and self-employed workers, older adults, retirees and pensioners, salaried workers whose monthly remuneration does not cover the cost of the market basket and people in state of poverty, people on the streets, who do not count with accumulated resources to remain in isolation for a long period.
  3. To address with extreme urgency, the needs of health, water and
    hygiene of persons deprived of liberty, and those specific of the ill, women and minors in prisons and detention centers, in addition to reducing the number of prisoners through humanitarian measures for those who are in particularly vulnerable conditions and are not in danger, and to release all persons arbitrarily imprisoned or detained for political reasons.
  4. The benefits of these measures must be distributed through universal mechanisms, without any affiliation mediation that conditions the beneficiaries. A mechanism should be considered for unbanked people and it should be appreciated that there is a high percentage of people, especially older people, who do not have debit cards. Likewise, home support groups must be created and activated to identify and provide assistance to elderly people living in solitude or people with disabilities.
  1. To guarantee absolute priority in access to public policies, programs and services for children and adolescents. In particular, it is essential to ensure the operation of the system for the protection of children and adolescents in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, as well as to establish a structured and viable proposal to guarantee access to education, taking into account the difficulties ito access the internet and other communication platforms. Parents and caregivers must be adequately oriented to accompany children and adolescents in this process.
  2. To assess the use of the United Nations Humanitarian Country Mechanism, deployed under the solid principles of Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality and Operational Independence, as an institutional space shared by the political sectors, to canalize the execution and control of urgent projects to take care of the population in the midst of the pandemic. This would imply opening a space of cooperation between both political actors with the participation of the International Community in which sectors of Venezuelan civil society could collaborate as guarantors of compliance.

We call on all sectors of national life, the International Community and Multilateral Organizations, sister civil society organizations from other countries, personalities and especially the governments of Norway, Canada, the United States, the European Union, governments of Latin America and the Caribbean, Russia, China, Cuba, to demand, support and accompany these humanitarian and political agreements in favor of the people of Venezuela.

Caracas, April 4th, 2020.

Subscribe to the statement: https://forms.gle/quRoC2oVBfNxhmbB9

Subscribers (Organizations):

1. A todo Pulmón
2. A.C. Radar de los Barrios
3. A.C. Reforma Judicial
5. Acceso a la Justicia
6. Acción Solidaria
8. Aconvida
9. Aderisco
10. Alfa Ciudadana
11. Alianza Venezolana Por La Salud
12. Alternativa 1 “La Venezuela que viene”
14. Aquí Cabemos Todos
15. Aragua en Red
16. Arco Laboral Metro de Caracas
18. Art-Wort
19. Asamblea de Ciudadanos de Candelaria
20. Asociación Civil Amigos de Junín
21. Asociación Civil Centro de Educación Integral Gurrufio
22. Asociación Civil Saber es Poder-AsoSaber
23. Asociación Civil Sumate
24. Asociación Civil Uniandes
25. Asociacion de Profesores de la UNEFM (APUNEFM)
26. Asociación de Profesores de la Universidad de Carabobo
27. Asociación de Profesores de LUZ (APUZ)
28. Asociacion de Trasplantes de Venezuela
29. Asociación GRAN CINE
30. Asociación Venezolana de Mujeres
31. Asociación Venezolana para la Hemofilia
32. Asociación Venezolana para una Educación Sexual Alternativa. AVESA
33. Baruta En Movimiento
34. Caleidoscopio Humano
35. Caracas Ciudad Plural
36. Catia Posible
37. Caviar Consultores
39. Cendif-Unimet
40. Centro de Acción y Defensa por los Derechos Humanos (Cadef)
41. Centro de Desarrollo Integral Sucre – CEDISUC
42. Centro de Formación Para La Democracia (CFD)
43. Centro de Justicia y Paz – Cepaz
44. Centro de Servicio Social Comunitario Pablo Rivero Cardona
45. Centro para la Paz y los derechos humanos de la UCV
46. Ciudadanía Activa
47. Ciudadanía con Compromiso A.C
48. Civilis Derechos Humanos
49. Clima 21-Ambiente y Derechos Humanos
50. Coalición Sindical Nacional
51. Comision de Justicia y Paz de la Conferencia Episcopal Venezolana
52. Comisión Nacional de DDHH de la Federación del Colegios de Abogados de Venezuela del Estado Táchira
53. Comisión para los Derechos Humanos del Estado Zulia (Codhez)
54. Comisión para los Derechos Humanos y la Ciudadanía -CODEHCIU-
55. Comunidad en Movimiento A.C
56. Conciencia Ciudadana A.C
58. Consejo Comunal las Colinas de Mañongo
59. Consejo Evangélico de Venezuela
60. Convite AC
61. Crea País
62. Creemos Alianza Ciudadana Chacao
63. Creemos Alianza Ciudadana Libertador
64. Creemos Alianza Ciudadana Zulia
65. Defensa en Accion
66. Defensoría Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (Capítulo Venezuela) Representada en la Comisión de los derechos humanos de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra.
70. EXCUBITUS Derechos Humanos en Educación
71. Expresionlibre org.ve
74. Federación de Asociaciones de Profesores Universitarios de Venezuela (FAPUV)
75. Federación de Colegios de Bioanalistas de Venezuela (FECOBIOVE)
76. Federación Unitaria de Sindicatos Bolivarianos del edo. Carabobo (FUSBEC)
77. Federación Venezolana de Maestros
78. Foro Ciudadano
79. Foro Hatillano
80. Frente en Defensa del Norte de Caracas
81. Fuerza Ciudadana Democratica -Campo Elias
82. Funcamama
83. Fundacion Aguaclara
84. Fundación Amigos del turismo Venezuela “FATURVEN”
85. Fundación Ayúdate
86. Fundación Centro Gumilla
87. Fundación CIIDER
88. Fundación Comunidades Ciudadanas del Municipio Sucre
89. Fundación de Lucha Contra el Cáncer
90. Fundación Especialmente Amigos
91. Fundación Hecho en Venezuela / Grupo ECOEM
92. Fundación HUMANA
93. Fundación Lucelia
94. Fundación Mavid Carabobo
95. Fundación Yo estoy aquí
96. Gente del Deporte
97. Geografia Viva
98. GobiérnaTec
99. Grupo de Pensamiento Democristiano Patricio Aylwin
100. Grupo Propuesta Ciudadana (Perú)
101. Iglesia Anglicana en Venezuela
102. Instituto de Investigaciones de la Comunicación ININCO UCV
103. Instituto Mead de Venezuela A.C
104. Instituto Progresista
105. Intersectorial de Trabajadores de Venezuela (ITV)
106. Intersectorial Nacional de Jubilados y Pensionados
108. Junquito En Movimiento
109. Justicia y Paz OP Venezuela
110. Labo Ciudadano
111. Laboratorio de Paz
112. Lionel Paredes = CLAMA INSUT
113. Meals4hope-Alimentando Esperanza
114. Monagas Cuenta S.C.
116. Montalbán en Movimiento
117. Movimiento Ciudadano Dale Letra
118. Movimiento Sindical de Base(MOSBASE)
119. Mujer y Ciudadanía A.C
120. Observatorio de Salud Sociedad Civil
121. Observatorio de Universidades OBU
122. Observatorio Electoral Venezolano (OEV)
123. Observatorio Global de Comunicación y Democracia
124. Observatorio Hannah Arendt
125. Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones
126. ONG Entre Ciudadanos
127. Opción Venezuela.AC.
128. Oportunidad AC
129. Organización Mundial Por La Paz En Venezuela (Roma)
130. Orpanac ( Organización para la Prevención Nacional de la Corrupción)
131. Parroquia San Alberto Hurtado, Parte Alta de La Vega
132. Piloneras
133. Positivos en Colectivo
134. Prepara Familia
136. Profesores Ucevistas por la Unidad de las Fuerzas Democráticas
137. Promoción Educación y Defensa en DDHH – PROMEDEHUM
138. Provea
139. Proyecta Ciudadanía A.C
140. Proyecto Hikola
141. Proyecto Roscio
142. Psicodehu
143. Quiero Un Pais
144. Red Anzoategui Unida por los Derechos Humanos (REDAUDH)
145. Red de Activistas Ciudadanos por los Derechos Humanos (Redac)
146. Red de Observación Electoral de Asamblea de Educación
147. Red de Organizaciones de Derechos Humanos del Estado Anzoategui Redhanz
148. Red Joven Venezuela
149. Red Venezolana de Gente Positiva
150. REDHNNA, Red por los Derechos Humanos de niñas, niños y adolescentes
151. Respuestas al Desarrollo Asociacion Civil
152. Reunificados ORG.
153. Revista SIC del Centro Gumilla
154. Semillas de paz
155. SenosAyuda A.C.
156. Sinergia,Red Venezolana de Organizaciones de Sociedad Civil
157. Sociedad Civil Activa
158. Sociedad Civil Empresarial Antolin
159. Sociedad Hominis Iura (SOHI)
160. Sociedad Venezolana de Puericultura y Pediatria
161. Sociedad. Civil Organizada Margarita.SCOMGTA
162. SOS Pacientes Renales
163. StopVIH
166. Superatec AC
167. Una Ventana a la Libertad
168. Únete por los Derechos Humanos.
169. Unicristina de Venezuela
170. Unidad de Acción Sindical, Social y GremialZulia
171. Unidad Visión Venezuela
172. Unión Vecinal para la Participación Ciudadana
173. UNITAS, Unión Nacional de Instituciones para el Trabajo de Acción Social, red de ong de Bolivia
174. Urgent Action for Democracy and Development
175. Vicaria de DDHH de la Arquidiócesis de Caracas
176. Voces Vitales de Venezuela
177. Voto Joven
178. Wola (Oficina en Washington para Asuntos Latinoamericanos)

Personal adscriptions:

1. Abilio López P
2. Adriana Carrillo
3. Adriana Morán
4. Aimara Rodríguez
5. Aimé Tillett
6. Alba Purroy
7. Alberto Arteaga Sánchez
8. Alejandra Olivares Hidalgo
9. Alejandra Pardi
10. Alejandro Álvarez Iragorry. Defensor de Derechos Humanos Ambientales
11. Alejandro Luy
12. Alessandra Bottà
13. Alexander Leal
14. Alexander Medina
15. Alexandra Téllez
16. Alícia T Arcaya
17. Alinis Aranguren Agreda
18. Alix Garcia UCV
19. Ana Luisa Ces
20. Ana María Marin Mendoza
21. Ana Méndez
22. Ana Mercedes Morales L.
23. Anais López. Socióloga
24. Andrés Caleca
25. Andrés Febres-Cordero E.
26. Andrés Stambouli
27. Andy Delgado Blanco
28. Ángel Zambrano Cobo
29. Antonia Luque
30. Antonio Briceño
31. Ariana Tarhan
32. Arq Leonardo Quiñones
33. Asdrubal Romero
34. Asliberth Arcano
35. Augusto Fernández
36. Aura Sofía Díaz
37. Aurea Vasquez
38. Banco del Libro
39. Beatriz Bellorin
40. Beatriz Cisneros Alzuru
41. Beatriz González Vivas
42. Beatriz Marín Bolívar
43. Beatriz Santini
44. Bernardo Rotundo
45. Brenda Garrido
46. Camilo Hernandez
47. Carlos Delgado Flores
48. Carlos Franceschi
49. Carlos Guerra Garcia
50. Carlos Gutiérrez
51. Carlos Infante
52. Carlos Julio Rojas
53. Carlos Molina
54. Carlos Nieto Palma
55. Carlos Oteyza
56. Carlos Paris
57. Carlos Vielma
58. Carlos Viera
59. Carlota Salazar Calderon
60. Carmen Piemonti
61. Carmen Carrasquel
62. Carmen E González Salas
63. Carmen Elena Isasi
64. Carmen González Coronel. Docente universitaria. Trabajadora comunitaria
65. Carmen Sosa
66. Carole Leal Curiel
67. Cecilia Garcia Arocha Marquez.UCV
68. César Vásquez
69. César Batiz
70. Charo Mendez Rivas
71. Claudia Arias
72. Claudia Blanco
73. Claudia E Requejo
74. Claudia Nikken
75. Claudia Valladares
76. Colette Capriles
77. Concepcion Urrutia
78. Corina González
79. Cruz Arreaza
80. Dámaris González
81. Daniel Duque
82. Daniela Karoni
83. Danisbel Gómez
84. Danisbel Gómez Morillo
85. Déborah Van Berkel
86. Douglas Gómez
87. Edgard Soto
88. Eduard Rondón
89. Eduardo Torres
90. Einar Goyo Ponte
91. Elba Soto Ibarra
92. Elias José Gómez Salom
93. Elio Herrera
94. Elíseo Sierra
95. Elismenia Blanco
96. Elizabeth León
97. Elizabeth Marín
98. Elizabeth Ramirez
99. Elizabeth Safar, profesora jubilada ININCO- UCV
100. Elizabeth Sterling Vidal
101. Enmanuel Sandia
102. Ennio Ortiz
103. Enrique Larrañaga
104. Enrique Peña Cimarro
105. Enrique Sierra
106. Enrique Vásquez
107. Euglis Palma
108. Evelyn Khazen
109. Ezequiel Bellorin Font
110. Fausto Miranda
111. Felix Seijas Rodríguez
112. Fernando Rangel
113. Flavia Pesci Feltri
114. Florangel Arriaga
115. Francelia Ruiz
116. Franci Sánchez Zambrano
117. Francisco Alfaro Pareja. Politólogo. Investigador externo de la Universidad Simón Bolívar.
118. Francisco Camacho
119. Francisco González Cruz
120. Francisco J. Hernández
121. Francisco Martínez- ExPresidente FEDECAMARAS
122. Gabriel Aranguren
123. Gabriel Hurtado
124. Gabriel Ruan
125. Gabriela Buada Blondell
126. Gabriela Soler Correa
127. Germán Cabrera T.
128. Giannina Olivieri
129. Gilberto Guerrero Quintero
130. Gilianys Quintero
131. Ginne Uzcátegui
132. Gipsy Gómez
133. Gladys Delgado
134. Gladys Mogollon
135. Gloria Correa
136. Gorka Carnevali
137. Griselda Colina Hibirma
138. Guillermo Ascanio
139. Guillermo Carrasco
140. Gustavo Hernández Salazar
141. Gustavo Márquez Marín
142. Héctor Vizcaya
143. Hermanlyg Rios
144. Hernán Zamora Rapale
145. Humberto Rojas Mujica
146. Huniades Urbina-Medina
147. Ignaria Irina Arraiz León
148. Igor Barreto
149. Ileana Itriago
150. Ilvia Rojas
151. Indira Urbaneja
152. Inés Quintero
153. Inger Pedreáñez
154. Iokine Rodriguez
155. Iraima Rondón G
156. Irene Murillo
157. Iris Palma
158. Irving Rivas
159. Isabel Idárraga
160. Isabel Quiroz
161. Isabella Picón
162. Ismael Pérez Vigil
163. Ivanova Decán Gambús
164. Ivonne Torres Simo
165. Jacqueline Richter
166. Jaime Lorenzo
167. Javier Higgins
168. Jesús Castellanos Vásquez
169. Jesús Chuo Torrealba
170. Jesús Valero Gómez
171. Jorge Alvarez
172. Jorge Cruz
173. Jorge Guerrero
174. José Gregorio Delgado
175. José Ángel Ferreira
176. José Bernardo Guevara
177. José Domingo Mujica
178. José Francisco Soto Latosegui
179. José G González
180. José Gregorio Afonso Castilla
181. José Gregorio Fernández
182. Jose Luis Fernandez-Shaw
183. José Luis Sánchez Trujillo
184. José Manuel Muñoz R
185. José Rafael Peña Farías
186. Juan Berríos Ortigoza
187. Juan Carlos La Rosa Velazco
188. Juan Escobar
189. Juan Luis Sosa
190. Juan Suárez Reyes
191. Judith Brazon
192. Judith Varillas
193. Julio Mendina
194. Jylman Red Jurado.
195. Karina Estraño
196. Karla Barcos
197. Katiuska Camargo
198. Katiuska Di Eugenio
199. Keta Stephany. Secretaria de Información de FAPUV.
200. Kethy Mendoza
201. Keybell Díaz
202. Keymer Ávila, Investigador y Profesor Universitario (UCV).
203. Laura Díaz
204. Laura Paola Chitty M
205. Lázaro Álvarez
206. León Arismendi
207. Leonor Itriago M.
208. Leopoldo Romero
209. Lilian Carrillo
210. Liliana Requejo
211. Lissette Gonzalez
212. Lorena Liendo Rey
213. Lucia Ravelo
214. Luis Alberto Ossa
215. Luis Cano
216. Luis Crespo
217. Luis E.Martinez Rojas
218. Luís J. Espinoza
219. Luis Loaiza
220. Luis Marciales Rodríguez
221. Luisa M Pulido
222. Luisa Palacios
223. Luisa Pernalete
224. Luisabeth Pernalete
225. Luisana Subero
226. Luz Mely Reyes
227. Magin Serfaty Poch
228. Manuel Albino
229. Manuel Mir
230. Manuel Zapata, SJ. Director de la Fundación Centro Gumilla
231. Marcial Márquez
232. Marcos Salazar
233. Marelis Alayon
234. Margarita López Maya
235. María Alejandra Correa
236. María Angélica León Roux
237. Maria Antonieta Mendez
238. María Auxiliadora Mejias
239. María Auxiliadora Rondón
240. María Beatriz Medina
241. María Carmela Rodríguez, Médico
242. María Carolina Uzcátegui – Ex Presidente Consecomercio
243. Maria Cristina Parra
244. Maria de la Trinidad Itriago
245. María del Pilar González
246. María del Pilar Rodríguez Conde
247. María E Escobar
248. María Fernanda Madriz. Investigadora y docente ININCO UCV
249. María Gabriela Colmenares
250. María Gabriela Mata
251. Maria Garrido
252. Maria Ines de Fernandez
253. María Isabel Otero Fernández
254. María Isabel Peña
255. Maria Luz Salas
256. María Olga Aranda
257. María Teresa Piñero Suárez
258. María Teresa Urreiztieta
259. Mariana Bacalao
260. Mariana Ramirez
261. Marianela Escalona Montesinos
262. Mariano Herrera
263. Maricruz Benítez Gimón
264. Mariela Ramirez
265. Marino Alvarado Betancourt
266. Marisol Castillo
267. Maritere Alvarado
268. Marlene de Arreaza
269. Marlo Chacón
270. Martha Inés Moreno Sarmiento
271. Maryhen Jiménez
272. Mauricio Gutiérrez
273. Mauro Martínez
274. Mercedes Madriz B.
275. Mercedes Muñoz
276. Merlina Carrero
277. Mibelis Acevedo Donís
278. Michael Penfold
279. Miguel Von Dangel
280. Milagros Galeno Médica Internista
281. Mileida Ramírez
282. Mireya Lozada
283. Mirna Santoyo
284. Mons. Jylmân Red Jurado
285. Moraima Ascanio
286. Moraima Hernández
287. Morella Alvarado Miquilena
288. Myriam Nikken
289. Nancy Yanez
290. Natacha de León
291. Neil Jesús Martinez Meta
292. Nelson Garrido
293. Nilia Moreno
294. Ninoska Briceño de Bellorin
295. Norkys Salcedo
296. Nydia Ruiz
297. Olga Pacheco
298. Olimpia Tarallo
299. Oly Millán Campos
300. Omaira García
301. Omar Ávila
302. Oscar Arnal
303. Óscar Gómez
304. Óscar Lucien
305. Oscar Murillo
306. Pablo Miguel Peñaranda Hernández
307. Patricia González
308. Paulo R. Méndez A.
309. Pedro Delgado. Médico Psiquiatra
310. Pedro González Caro
311. Pia Revollo
312. Rafael Badell Madrid
313. Rafael G. Curvelo E.
314. Rafael J, Marín P.
315. Ramón Jara
316. Ramon Peña Ojeda
317. Ramona Jara
318. Ricardo Benaim
319. Ricardo Jiménez
320. Ricardo López
321. Rigoberto Lobo Puentes
322. Rocío Guijarro S.
323. Rodrigo García-Alejo
324. Rogelio Altez
325. Rolando Peña/Art-Wort.
326. Roman J. Duque Corredor
327. Ronald Figueroa
328. Rosimar Sosa
329. Sandra Caula
330. Sergio Dahbar
331. Seymar Liscano
332. Silvana Peñuela
333. Soraida Pacheco
334. Sulay García
335. Susana Raffalli Arismendi
336. Támara Herrera
337. Teresa López
338. Tibisay Bolivar
339. Tibisay Elena Betancourt Parra
340. Trinidad M Palma
341. Tulio Olmos Gil
342. Ursula Straka
343. Valeska Martínez
344. Vanessa Cartaya Febres
345. Veronica Liprandi
346. Verónica Zubillaga
347. Vicente Díaz
348. Victor Rago Albujas
349. Victoria Benarroch
350. Viviana López Larralde
351. Werner Corrales Leal
352. William Requejo
353. Williams Brito
354. Wuilson Gitierrez
355. Yajaira Perez
356. Yaya Andueza, periodista
357. Yelitza Linares
358. Yely Rebolledo
359. Yliana M Aguinagalde
360. Yolanda Díaz
361. Yurizahima Quintana
362. Zuleima Blanco